14 Mar 2006

Muslim attitudes toward non-Muslims

Ever wonder why the gap of understanding between the Muslims and the non-Muslims is getting wider despite restless efforts on dawah proving that Islam is truly the religion from God?
One of the main reasons is the weakness of the ummah. We keep preaching to others that Islam is a religion of peace and a perfect way of life, but do we actually practice it? Do we ALL who claim themselves to be Muslims practice it? If we ALL do, certainly we ALL would have lived in a prosperous and jubilant life like those of the early Muslims who emulated the life of the Prophet for he is the walking Qur'an. If we ALL do, certainly we would not have seen the head-chopping of the hostages in the TV under the name of Islamic Jihad since the actual Jihad during the prophet time is not chopping the head of the hostages. And if we ALL practice the actual Islam, wouldn't we ALLenjoy the beauty and sweetness of Islam by now?
The answer is entirely up to you and how sincere and conscious would you dedicate your life to Islam. After all, it is inevitable that all your actions and deeds will be accountable to God on the Day of Resurrection anyways. But what i'd like to emphasis is that we tend to have a negative attitude towards the non-Muslims despite that they do not derserve such attitude at all. We have been trained to think that if Kafirs and Mushriks are the enemies of Islam, therefore non-Muslims are enemies of Islam too. If you think in that way, such idea is just too shallow or narrow. The ideas have set you a cage to think that there is no way that these people would ever have an interest in Islam. It makes that Islam is only exclusive to those who are borned-Islam and those who weren't were labelled as enemies of Islam eventhough they have no clue what Islam is all about.Have you ever thought what makes human to be non-Muslims/Kafirs/Mushirks in the first place? It is their obedience toward the devious whispering of Satan that lies in every single one of us. After all, our true enemy is not the non-Muslims, but Satan as is stated in a verse of Qur'an below:
"Verily Satan is an enemy to you: so treat him as an enemy. He only invites his adherents, that they may become Companions of the Blazing Fire." [Surah Fatir:6]
So how then can we Muslims help the non-Muslims not to follow such devious invitation from Satan? You see, we all humans, regardless of religions, ethinicity, races and gender were created by the single Creator. Everyone of us is blessed with intellects so that we can use it to think, to reason, as well as to get ourselves enlightened. ANd being enlightened is already meant that very person has already been guided and that very person could be a non-Muslim guided by a Muslim. So what rights do we have to treat them with negative attitudes since every single non-Muslims has the potential to be a Muslim if they are at least being guided just by one of us? Surely, to get them understand about Islam would require positive attitude toward them right?
Unfortunately, you may have heard that being friends toward the non-Muslims would influence us to be like them and thus got ourselves deviated from Islam. Yes, there is a possibility in getting yourself astray but that purely depends on your faith or how strong you can hold onto rope of Islam. If you hold it feebly, certainly you'll be swept away by a any current. But if you don't, that's good for you and who knows inshaAllah because of your strength you may share that rope to your non-Muslim friends who also want to hold that rope. Remember that we all were created so as to worship Allah alone and part of that worshipping is to be an ambassador of Islam. The job of ambassador is to propagate the wisdoms of Islam by being a Muslim who PRACTICE Islam.
So whatever non-Muslims have done to us, be positive and gentle towards them because that's how the Prophet did when he was propagating Islam. Otherwise, you'll be creating a fortress that would prevent you to help them to be on the right path and prevent them to be on the right path as their salvation. Remember, the responsibility in propagating Islam is on everybody and the best method in inviting them to understand Islam is to treat them with best manners. After all they are human just like us and we sensitive and emotional human beings would like to be treated nicely right? Also remember that good actions is more praiseworthy than words on good actions. Just do the good deeds and leave the rest to Allah.
So have positive attitudes towards non-Muslims and inshaAllah you'll experience the miracles..
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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